Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Review: Lush Golden Wonder

Once upon five months ago, I got a bath bomb for Christmas from Lush: The Golden Wonder. I used this when I got back from Alton Towers, as I was freezing and could do with a good bath. 

This bath bomb smells amazing with notes of sweet orange and lime which really does create a lovely fruity aroma. I've seen that this product always get's rave reviews by others and compared to other bath bombs it is quite cheap. 

 (All pictures have been taken with my iPhone, so sorry for bad quality)

This bath bomb is huge, so moving it can be a little tricky as it is also covered in gold glitter which looks pretty, but it get's all over your hands when you pick it up. This bath bomb also quickly starts to fizz and burst into action with colours of blue, yellow and orange and then finally turns a pretty blue/ turquoise colour.

I think that if I didn't wait five months until using the product it would of been much better, don't get me wrong I still loved it. I did however notice that mine didn't have the little stars in, and again I think that might be because I purchased this in December and have only just got around to using it. 

A massive positive about this product though is that the beautiful colour, didn't stain or make any mess in the bath what so ever, once the water had been drained the bath was still white with not a single colored mark!

This product is only available at Christmas time and just writing this review is making me very excited for Christmas, as I will definitely be getting another one!


  1. It looks like something I would want to eat haha! I love Lush products :-)

    -Maddy @

    1. hahaha! Lush products are my favourite especially the bath bombs!

  2. Awww it's such a shame you didn't get the stars! These are my favourite bath bombs but mostly because of them! Defs get another one :) xoxo

    The perks of being a hipster

    1. I know! It's an amazing bath bomb, I can't wait till Christmas just so I can buy another one, haha!
